Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Zrii Scam- Ready to Leave?

Ready to learn more?

You're invited this Thursday, February 12th and pass it on to your team.
Dr Becky Natrajan MD will be interviewed on a Product Enlightenment Call.
6:30pm Mountain Time/ 5:30 PST.
To join the call: 1-712-580-1800: Code 602342#

We will record and rebroadcast the call ASAP.

The Topics:
Top Products
Why These products are superior to the “me too’s” out there
The basics of the simple and generous comp plan
How you can share this amazing opportunity with with new contacts as well as your whole team

Becky Natrajan M.D. is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist, certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. For 13 years she operated a thriving private practice in Tucson , Arizona . She graduated with honors from Hahnemann University Medical Collage in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , and completed her subspecialty training at the University of Arizona . She is a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and her specialty gives her a close-up look at the consequences of poor diet and obesity. She is a nationally recognized expert on the treatment for what is becoming a global health crisis - nutritional deficiency and toxicity. Dr Becky is an internationally recognized author and speaker who lectures at forums across the country on the cause and treatment of these problems.

Becky’s husband Dan Maes was a hugely successful international business man for many years in the software industry. In 1993 Dan was introduced to the Network Marketing industry. After recognizing the extraordinary income potential and the opportunity to fulfill his dream of teaching, training, mentoring and developing others while building a business, he left corporate America in 1994 to become a full time Network Marketing professional. From 1994 to 2000, he became a top producer and Multi-million dollar earner with his first company. His success was based solely on his ability to guide others in achieving their dream of financial freedom and abundance.

Dr Becky and Dan are 7 figure earners in Network Marketing.

To date this company has created 33 millionaires-you can be next! Do not miss this call. Pass this on to everyone looking for an incredible health and wealth opportunity with integrity.

Visit www.amalakinutritionals.com/ for more information.

Zrii Health Drink: Lost it's Luster

We live in an amazing point in history. Finally, there is modern scientific evidence supporting and leading to the validation of the ancient healing wisdoms of Ayurveda. Zrii is a company where we can truly expected things to be different. This company was born from the simple belief that something unique, something that works, something that could significantly enhance wellness was possible and already greedy network marketers, the kind that give us all a bad name have ruined the company. The Zrii journey was suppose to be exceptional because it came into existence from integrative health experts that were already recognized as leaders in the wellness industry. So much for that.
These formulators took Nature's own medicine and blended it to create Zrii. Specifically, the synergistic blend combines Amalaki, Tumeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki and Ginger in to a food grade health drink that can be used as a day to day rejuvenatory system. Amalaki being the single most important botanical for promoting cellular rejuvenation, immune function, and increased vitality according to the Ayurveda tradition. The culmination of these select herbs and botancals unlocks the value and potancy of the extensively researched Amalaki Fruit. Amalaki resets and rejuvenate the bodies systems at the cellular level. The body is capable of many miraculous powers of rejuvenation. Zrii activates and assists this natural pharmacy. The Zrii products ingredients have been sourced from only superior natural environments. Of course, Zrii is naturally preservative-free

Even with all that the company is faulting just after it's first birthday and top company Executives and employees have said that, "the company will cease to exist in 30 days."

When you have a new product creating BUZZ with in the market there will be speculation and now all the nightmares have come true. Zrii was the Cinderella of network marketing. Now it's the The Big Bad Wolf. It's lost it's luster. Seasoned business builders through out the industry were originally attracted to the special opportunity Zrii created and they have either been forced out of the company or they running for their own reasons.
Zrii was about abundance. Now it's about arrogance and defeat.

To find out more about Zrii please visit http://www.amalakinutritionals.com/

We can't wait to here your Zrii story!

What is Zrii?

  • Zrii Distributors are a new breed. They reaching out in new ways and attemt to truly become an instrument of change in the world.
  • Joining the Zrii Family means joining a group of people coming together to support each other in positive, uplifting activities and cleaner, healthier living.
  • Sharing Zrii with others provides you with gifts of financial abundance and optimum health.
  • The Zrii Opportunity provides you with the power to make a difference in the lives of those around you and in your community and it's fun.
  • Live a life of abundance with Zrii!

  • That's what we thought Zrii was about, but their true colors are now coming out and distributors like us are getting out. To read more please visit http://www.amalakinutritionals.com

    Did you want to be a Founder? Have You Always Wished You Got In Sooner?

    Founder's Bonus

    Stop wishing and get out! Do you sell Herbalife, Arbonne, Body Alive, Juice Plus, Movavie, Vemma or Xango? Do you dream big and wonder what it would be like to have gotten in early and become a founder? This company was less than a year old and and now it's firing it's top distributors. Are you in it? Here is your chance to get out.
    Don’t miss out!
    Dream big, make a plan and work the plan- just do it with a company with some integrity!

    Get Started NOW!

    My Personal Zrii Network Marketing Success Story

    I’d like to respond to anyone that is not sure about Network Marketing or anyone that thinks that only those that have been in the business can succeed. Ignore those thoughts of doubt.

    I believe in Karma, in so much that we are obligated to be a blessing to our fellow man.
    That being said, I believe Network Marketing has the potential to be just such a tool and I can prove it. Here is my personal story.
    My personal Success Story begins with outstanding products that just happened to be offered to me through an MLM. It is just one the thousands of success stories shared by people who have experienced incredible results using products that are far superior to anything you can find at the health food store or from “Blueberries”.
    You can be confident that these companies are committed to providing outstanding products that work, because that is all they have. If it works world of mouth will either make them or break them and personal stories are more accurate than commercials in my opinion.
    My story began, when I watched my “fat” neighbor lose 65 pounds in 5 months with nature products. She was full of life and energy and I wanted it. I was a personal trainer and a health food and supplement nut, working out 6 times a week and still I could not get to where I wanted to be on the scale. I bought the products through my neighbor. I think I was her first costumes and in 42 days I lost 24 pounds, but what’s really important, I got my brain and my smile back. It was like waking up from a Mommy Fog. I had a brand new attitude and a lot more fun with my family. Soon, my exercise classes and clients, my friend, my family, everybody wanted what I had. My business was booming and I was so grateful to my neighbor who is now one of dearest friends and my business partner. She had helped me to become healthier than I could have imagined (just ask my Doc) and she introduced me to an income that I could tap into on my own time. I now have no job. I work from where ever I am and I am close to becoming financially free.
    My “job” now is to help others to become healthy and to help develop them personally so that they too can take advantage of all of the network Marketing opportunities that are our there.
    Having success in one Network Marketing Company taught what to look for in others. In Zrii I found what I was looking for- an early in opportunity, with scientifically proven products and a philosophy of support. I loved Zrii and was willing to work with anyone with a desire for abundance in both the areas of health and wealth. But then reality hit and the company is now in shambles. This is tough business and getting in early isn't always the best thing.

    If you looking for what to do now that Zrii in getting such bad press,
    please visit http://www.AmalakiNutritionals.com

    Zrii Business Opportunity

    If your thinking about the Zrii Business Opportunity, consider a number of factors and take the time to prepare a plan your future. Start by identifying your key interests. What's your main method of marketing going to be? Classic Network Marketing Training will ask you to first identify your warm market- your friends, family and acquaintances. That's because they know that the chances of you staying in the business more than 6 months in unlikely, so they want to you to tap your warm market as soon as possible.
    There's no doubt that if you full heartedly believed in the products and the opportunity you would share Zrii with those closest to you, but a successful business plan that carries you into the future must rely on your other key marketing interest. Marketing may include but is not limited to fliers, post cards, newspapers, Ads, cold calls and the internet.
    In the case of Zrii, the company has recently demonstrated a lack of dedication to empowering others to excel and prosper in the new economy. It's true that they did give up dated marketing techniques and leaped into the future. But all the internet marketing in the world will sell with all the bad press. Our team has taken advantage of this and has been able to tap into the awesome power of "word of mouth" marketing and combine it with the speed of the Internet utilizing the most state-of-the-art automated online marketing system in existence today and we will share it with you.

    Next, you've got to know your strengths and identify you risks and opportunities. Are you a social lite or social blogger. Do you do well on the phone, belly to belly or out in cyberspace? Where will you be be when you are telling people about the products? How will you uniquely communicate the next awesome opportunity?

    By creating a simple plan you will be able to set goals and understand what you want to accomplish and go on to create a growing long term business and a healthy return on you investment.

    To learn more about what to do now that Zrii Company is collapsing visit http://www.amalakinutritionals.com/

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    The Lure of Zrii Home Business

    There are many rewards for work from home. Each one of us has our own very personal "WHY", but few have the real guts to get started. It's a leap of faith really. A decision to rely on your own efforts to pay the bills and a choice not to rely on others. It goes against most of what we were all taught about success. Still, as communications, presentations and marketing technologies advance, the ability to work from anywhere has created endless home business possibilities for the brave of heart.

    So, Who and What was Zrii?
    Zrii was the break through product the combined contemporary scientific research and ancient wisdom. Zrii was the result of modern science validating ancient wisdom. Specifically, the 5000 year old practice, named Ayurveda. Ayurveda is unquestionably the most esteemed whole-health approach to life and healing that has both been researched and tested, earning this one of a kind product a world renowned endorsement by the Chopra Center for Welling. The Chopra Center is recognized as the world's leading authority on integration of timeless wisdom and modern scientific research in the fields of healing and wellness.

    That's who they were! Now they are just another crash and burn company with distributors fleeing as fast as they can.

    Who is left standing?
    Most of the top distributors and employes have either been kicked out or have just plan deserted Zrii. (The were the "Bad Guys")
    The Zfreedom organization is one of the few who's left to pick up the pieces. They are top leaders in Zrii and a team of internet application and marketing consultants who are dedicated to empowering others to excel and prosper in the new economy. (They are "the good guys"). The Zfreedom team was once able to harness the awesome power of "word of mouth" marketing and combine it with the speed of the Internet to bring you the most state-of-the-art automated online marketing system in existence today, but even they will not be able to revive Zri.

    To get more information we invite you to visit our link to http://www.amalakinutritionals.com/

    Join Zrii's Top Executives As They Flee Zrii

    You have heard about Zrii? It's BUZZ! It was a new company and everyone was wondering if they should get in.

    That was then and this is now.

    If that was you, now is the time.

    Invite as many people as possible to visit http://www.amalakinutritionals.com to let our presentation be the message, so you don't have to talk anymore about Zrii and explain what's happening and why it's time to get out..

    Sunday, February 8, 2009

    Welcome to the Amalaki Nutritionals Blog

    We are Living Dream Team and we are excited about the opportunity to share with you all that we have discovered about "wholeness" living, healthy eating, network marketing and having fun. We hope that you will visit often and contribute your own experiences and knowledge in the comment sections.
    Why Amalaki?
    "In Ayurveda, the Amalaki fruit is widely considered to be the most rejuvenating super-fruit. For over 5,000 years, Ayurveda has valued Amalaki for its vitality-enhancing, and anti-aging properties and that's really what we are all looking for right. We want healing and transformation. We're searching for natural ways of living that rejuvenate our spirits and being.
    Why Nutritionals?
    We believe you need to Nourish and provide Nutrition the body as well as the mind to achieve abundance in all aspects of living. Abundance isn't just one of our core beliefs. It's a philosophy.

    The real path to abundant living and health benefits STARTS TODAY!