Sunday, February 8, 2009

Welcome to the Amalaki Nutritionals Blog

We are Living Dream Team and we are excited about the opportunity to share with you all that we have discovered about "wholeness" living, healthy eating, network marketing and having fun. We hope that you will visit often and contribute your own experiences and knowledge in the comment sections.
Why Amalaki?
"In Ayurveda, the Amalaki fruit is widely considered to be the most rejuvenating super-fruit. For over 5,000 years, Ayurveda has valued Amalaki for its vitality-enhancing, and anti-aging properties and that's really what we are all looking for right. We want healing and transformation. We're searching for natural ways of living that rejuvenate our spirits and being.
Why Nutritionals?
We believe you need to Nourish and provide Nutrition the body as well as the mind to achieve abundance in all aspects of living. Abundance isn't just one of our core beliefs. It's a philosophy.

The real path to abundant living and health benefits STARTS TODAY!

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