Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Personal Zrii Network Marketing Success Story

I’d like to respond to anyone that is not sure about Network Marketing or anyone that thinks that only those that have been in the business can succeed. Ignore those thoughts of doubt.

I believe in Karma, in so much that we are obligated to be a blessing to our fellow man.
That being said, I believe Network Marketing has the potential to be just such a tool and I can prove it. Here is my personal story.
My personal Success Story begins with outstanding products that just happened to be offered to me through an MLM. It is just one the thousands of success stories shared by people who have experienced incredible results using products that are far superior to anything you can find at the health food store or from “Blueberries”.
You can be confident that these companies are committed to providing outstanding products that work, because that is all they have. If it works world of mouth will either make them or break them and personal stories are more accurate than commercials in my opinion.
My story began, when I watched my “fat” neighbor lose 65 pounds in 5 months with nature products. She was full of life and energy and I wanted it. I was a personal trainer and a health food and supplement nut, working out 6 times a week and still I could not get to where I wanted to be on the scale. I bought the products through my neighbor. I think I was her first costumes and in 42 days I lost 24 pounds, but what’s really important, I got my brain and my smile back. It was like waking up from a Mommy Fog. I had a brand new attitude and a lot more fun with my family. Soon, my exercise classes and clients, my friend, my family, everybody wanted what I had. My business was booming and I was so grateful to my neighbor who is now one of dearest friends and my business partner. She had helped me to become healthier than I could have imagined (just ask my Doc) and she introduced me to an income that I could tap into on my own time. I now have no job. I work from where ever I am and I am close to becoming financially free.
My “job” now is to help others to become healthy and to help develop them personally so that they too can take advantage of all of the network Marketing opportunities that are our there.
Having success in one Network Marketing Company taught what to look for in others. In Zrii I found what I was looking for- an early in opportunity, with scientifically proven products and a philosophy of support. I loved Zrii and was willing to work with anyone with a desire for abundance in both the areas of health and wealth. But then reality hit and the company is now in shambles. This is tough business and getting in early isn't always the best thing.

If you looking for what to do now that Zrii in getting such bad press,
please visit http://www.AmalakiNutritionals.com

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