Monday, February 9, 2009

The Lure of Zrii Home Business

There are many rewards for work from home. Each one of us has our own very personal "WHY", but few have the real guts to get started. It's a leap of faith really. A decision to rely on your own efforts to pay the bills and a choice not to rely on others. It goes against most of what we were all taught about success. Still, as communications, presentations and marketing technologies advance, the ability to work from anywhere has created endless home business possibilities for the brave of heart.

So, Who and What was Zrii?
Zrii was the break through product the combined contemporary scientific research and ancient wisdom. Zrii was the result of modern science validating ancient wisdom. Specifically, the 5000 year old practice, named Ayurveda. Ayurveda is unquestionably the most esteemed whole-health approach to life and healing that has both been researched and tested, earning this one of a kind product a world renowned endorsement by the Chopra Center for Welling. The Chopra Center is recognized as the world's leading authority on integration of timeless wisdom and modern scientific research in the fields of healing and wellness.

That's who they were! Now they are just another crash and burn company with distributors fleeing as fast as they can.

Who is left standing?
Most of the top distributors and employes have either been kicked out or have just plan deserted Zrii. (The were the "Bad Guys")
The Zfreedom organization is one of the few who's left to pick up the pieces. They are top leaders in Zrii and a team of internet application and marketing consultants who are dedicated to empowering others to excel and prosper in the new economy. (They are "the good guys"). The Zfreedom team was once able to harness the awesome power of "word of mouth" marketing and combine it with the speed of the Internet to bring you the most state-of-the-art automated online marketing system in existence today, but even they will not be able to revive Zri.

To get more information we invite you to visit our link to

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