Thursday, August 14, 2008

What does Michael Phelphs fuel his body with?

Swimmers are some of the best trained athletes in the world, yet many of them fall short in the key area of nutrition. Micheal Phelps is not one of them. Imagine what an infant would like that was fueled with optimum nutrition. Imagine what that baby would look like when he grew up.

Michael Phelps is an example of where great genes, superior nutrition, a great attitude and a lot of hard work can take you. Athletes are interested in condensing the refueling and recover widow. They want to optimize their training and their endurance. Athletes are striving to maintain and or increase their lean muscle mass. They want reliable and sustainable energy sources. They want results and no adverse reactions

Eating the right foods is the stating block for success for swimmer and any devoted athletes. Unfortunately, "Fad Diets" have sent these athletes a very confusing message. So, what' really important?

Fact #1 Reduction in carbohydrate intake is the worst action an athlete can take.

Fact#2 Starving your body of nutrients and failing to refuel and replenish an active body is the second worst action you can take.

Fact#3 Just because it says it's good for you, doesn't make it good for you. Know what's in it and where it came from.

A healthy diet for athletes must include a balance of lean proteins, organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains with no garbage added, raw nuts(no salt) and low fat dairy products.

There's also lots of research out there that has shown that the use of specific dietary supplements in conjunction with your work outs can safely and efficiently optimize the bodies natural healing processes, enhancing muscle strength, endurance and provide more efficient recovery. This research should not be ignored.

It used to be that only the very sick or women that were pregnant were told to take daily vitamins. Today, your Doc. has probably recommended a regiment. But the real value of supplementation is only recently really earning it keep. Today, the power of what you put in your body can have an undeniable effect on your health, you performance level and even you longevity. Still, all supplements are not created equal and often they can not be found in your health food store. The key is to find products with the highest standards of sourcing for their ingredients and companies with a dedication to research.

Stay Healthy & Be Strong!

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